Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020
42 NEWS MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 Flour Sack of the Year comes from Guadeloupe At the annual meeting of the Caribbean Mil- lers’ Association (CMA), Marc Duncker, regio- nal sales manager for Mühlenchemie, presen- ted Arnaud de Moussac from Grands Moulins des Antilles with the flour sack award for 2018. The jury was impressed by the mills’ beautiful portrait of a young Creole woman from the Antilles - her healthy look pointing to the li- fe-giving power of the staple food within the sack. Talking about the winning picture, Xavier Moussac, director general of the mill, says, “The port- rait of the Creole woman on our flour sack shows that Guadeloupe is both mondaine and aware of its historical diversity. The young lady’s jewellery indicates her Fren- ch-style ‘savour-vivre’, as a Creole she stands for an inde- pendent culture that has developed over the centuries in our country.” As is the case with many other agricultural products, the island state relies on imported wheat, which is then processed industrially into top quality flours and fortified with micronut- rients. This flour is an essential part of the Gu- adeloupe diet. The jury was full of praise for the delicately drawn picture on the 2018 Flour Sack of the Year. It is the first time that a portrait has taken the award which the FlourWorld Museum in Wittenburg presents once a year. The museum, located near Hamburg, houses more than 3,600 flour sacks from over 140 countries and is thus the biggest such collection in the world. The founder, Volkmar Wywi- ol, is pleased with the latest poster child for his museum: “Diversity and community, femininity and strength, qua- lity and joie de vivre - these inter-connections are beauti- fully portrayed on this flour sack. This artistic treatment of Guadeloupe society is one that deserves to be honoured.” Mühlenchemie names Grands Moulins des Antilles winner of the “Flour Sack of the Year 2018” award. “L’Antillaise” flour sack is decorated with the portrait of a self-confident young Creole woman from the Antilles. The motif stands for cultural diversity and the vitality of Creole cuisine. Marc Duncker, regional sales manager for Mühlenchemie, presented Arnaud de Moussac from Grands Moulins des Antilles with the flour sack award for 2018.
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