Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020

62 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 machine ALFA (capacity from 50 ton/h to 400 ton/h) • Mobile grain cleaning complex ALFA MGC (capacity from 80 ton/h to 150 ton/h) • Multipurpose screen grain-cleaning machine BETA (capacity from 60 ton/h to 240 ton/h) • Agrarian screen grain-cleaning mac- hine VEGA (capacity up to 50 ton/h) • Grain dryer (capacity from 5 ton/h to 200 ton/h) • Silos of various types for operational and long-term storage of grain, legumes and oilseeds (volume from 4.5 m³ to 24,458 m³) • Conveying and gravity equipment (capacity from 25 ton/h to 400 ton/h for wheat) Could you share with us the new projects that you recently completed? In the general wide list of successful projects of ROMAX plant in recent years, it is necessary to highlight the constructi- on of the elevator complex of Vertunovs- koye LLC, Penza Region, Russia. ROMAX plant timely completed the design, ma- nufacture, supply of equipment, installa- tion supervision and commissioning. The complex includes: • grain storage areas with a total capa- city of 203,640 m³; • conveying equipment with a capacity of 150 ton/h; • grain reception line with a producti- vity of 150 ton/h; • aspiration system; • section for grain shipping to trucks and railway transport. In which markets are you most active besides Russia? Are there some priority regions that you see as a target market and focus on? How many countries have you exported your goods to? Our priorities for 2020 are the implementation of large projects in Africa and Asia. The best orders are provided to us by customers who are already convin- ced of the quality of our equipment and comfortable work with the ROMAX. We are actively conducting workshops for farmers in Africa, as well as participa- ting in international exhibitions. We are interested in expanding the dealer network in Africa and Asia and are ready to consider serious offers that will be sent to . There are many companies in the grain storage industry. What makes you different from others? We have no right to make a mistake because we are new on the international market, which means that the highest quality and reliability of all equipment is a priority and will be definitely guaranteed and any interaction with ROMAX will be very comfortable. We have experience in do-ing business in the largest country of the world and in Commonwealth of Inde- pendent States (CIS). The geography of completed projects extends over 9,000 km in various climatic zones. Only systemic work and love to our business allow us to ensure high-precisi-on manufacture and timely delivery to Europe, harsh Siberia, the Far East and other regions of Asia; properly complete the ins- tallation of equipment almost at the other end of the world; provide scheduled ma-intenance and service within the time period specified by the contract. What can you say about the innovations and so- lutions that you have brought to the industry? The engineering department of the company syste- matically develops and improves the quality charac-