Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020

63 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 teristics of products, patents its exclusive inventions, remaining at the forefront of the world's leading te- chnologies for processing grain, legumes and oilseeds. ROMAX products are distinguished by: • high performance • maximum quality of product processing • high efficiency (low energy consumption, mini- mum loss of processed product) • reliability and durability of the design, safety • the quality of the material used • ease of maintenance In 2019, ROMAX design department completed the development of the unique RMX grain drying equip- ment with a unique patented drying chamber, which has no analogsues in the world. Also, all grain cleaning equipment under the brands ALFA, BETA, VEGA is the proprietary development of ROMAX. The equipment allows you to process various crops in any climate zone for decades. Thanks to experience in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia, the galvanized si- los produced by ROMAX have unrivaled tightness. This is confirmed not only by the high level of satisfaction of our cus- tomers but also by relevant certificates. What are your plans and expecta- tions for the coming years as a com- pany? Our plans include the creation of a full-fledged dealer network in all priority countries in Africa and Asia. In the next 2-3 years, we will gain a foothold in the inter- national market and bring subsidized lines of business to a positive financial result. You have a huge experience in the industry. What kind of changes have you experienced in this sector in re- cent years? A significant incentive for the develop- ment of the grain storage and processing industry was the state program for par- tial cost compensation and concessional lending to farms not only in Russia but also abroad. Thanks to the assistance of the state, agricultural producers got more opportunities to organize a comp- lete cycle of production and storage of grown grain, using modern develop- ments and technologies for this. And the manufacturers of the appropriate equip- ment are provided with demand, work- load of production lines and the oppor- tunity to invest in the development and modernization of equipment. Russia has been increasing its grain production each year and has become the world’s top wheat exporter. Russian Agricultu- re Ministry forecasts that the country would pro- duce 140 million tons of grain annually by 2035. The storage capacity is so important in terms of exports and prices. What can you say about the grain storage capacity of Russia? Is there any plan to invest in grain storage in Russia? Romaks LLC contributes to the implementation of these plans by investing in the development of a new design for grain storage, grain cleaning equipment and elevator equipment in general. Is there anything you want to add and share with our readers? We are open to dialogue with those who are interes- ted in a reliable supplier of high-quality grain storage installations equipment. Just send us an email: or call +7 (473) 722-79- 94. If you want to become our partner in any country in Asia or Africa, please also contact us.