Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020

70 MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 “The industry is full of HACCP certificates that offer nothing more than a hanging paper. The industry is full of fumigation certificates that do not certify successful treatments. Papers do not solve problems. Accurately designed processes and precision application will keep the brand safe. Modern technology offers solutions, we should use every weapon available!” Where is infestation happening in the supply chain? Grain is moving from field to silos, warehou- ses and bunkers, on trucks, railcars, ships, barges and containers. This constant move and change of storage and transport assets creates two seri- ous challenges. One is traceability. The other one that we face on this article is insect infestation. Stored product insects can survive the harsh winters of the north and the hot temperatures of the tropics. They can survive the passing through elevators and screens, they can escape cleaning and they multiply so rapidly and massively that you can safely bet that always an insect will sur- vive, no matter the control method. We need to identify where insects infest grain and prevent this from happening or fight them early enough. HARVESTING THE FIELDS Australian researchers found that in 9 out of 10 cases the harvesting machines carry a large number of insects before starting the year har- vest. These insects feed on remains of the previ- ous crop as a result of poor cleaning. These inse- cts found in the combine harvesters and on the Vasilis Sotiroudas Pest Management Expert