Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020

JAPAN 82 MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 Improved from last year’s poor crop, MY2019/20 wheat production is estimated to increase to 960,000 MT. Although MAFF statistics are not yet released, better or normal yields have been reported in all regions except the Kanto region. A normal or better yield is expected in Hok- kaido, where 60 percent of Japanese wheat is produced. A bumper crop was reported in Kyushu, Tokai, and Chu- bu due to consistently favorable weather conditions and limited rain during harvest. Demand for domestic wheat remains strong, however, expansion of production is con- strained as wheat is produced as a rotational crop, or a conversion crop for rice paddies. And food, seed and industrial (FSI) consumption of wheat is expected to stay flat at 5.8 million MT for MY2018/19 and MY2019/20. Emerging factors may put downward pressure on food wheat consumption over the long term. Manufacturers in the Japanese market are in- troducing new products to reflect a growing interest in low carbohydrate foods. Although still niche, low carbo- hydrate pasta, instant noodles, frozen udon, cake mix, and cookies have been introduced. Although still small, demand for rice flour has been gradually increasing since the establishment of the Rice Flour Standards by Use and Use Indications by MAFF in March 2017. MY2018/19 total wheat and wheat products imports decreased to 5.7 million MT. However, USDA forecasts Rice Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 7787 7650 7800 Consumption 8600 8556 8400 Imports 670 685 690 Source: USDA Wheat Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Rice Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 7787 7650 7800 Consumption 8600 8556 8400 Imports 670 685 690 Source: USDA Wheat Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 972 880 960 Consumption 6600 6530 6450 Imports 5876 5726 5850 Source: USDA Corn Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) Rice Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 7787 7650 7800 Consumption 8600 8556 8400 Imports 670 685 690 Source: USDA Wh at Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 972 880 960 Consumption 6600 6530 6450 Imports 5876 5726 5850 Source: USDA Corn Production, Consumption and Import in Japan (1000 Tons) 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Production 2 2 2 Consumption 15600 15800 16050 Imports 15668 15800 16050 Source: USDA