Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020

72 ARTICLE MILLER / MARCH 2020 it is inspiring to see that connection between farmers and consumers taking shape. It is manifested in the explosion of plant-based food products we saw in 2019. According to the Good Food Institute, in the U.S. alone, retail sales of these products surged 11% to $4.5 billion last year, and, according to BIS Research, the global plant-based market is projected to expand by a CAGR of 13.82% and hit $480 billion by 2024. These numbers have caught the attention of major meat companies like Tyson Foods and leading restaurant chains like McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC. So, what is happening here? In effect, we are seeing the food industry respond to consumer demands for healthy and nutritious food that is environmentally friendly. And more often than not, the food industry is turning to pulses to satisfy this demand. Pea protein, in particular, is having its moment in the spotlight, but major players in the pulse fractioning sector are also innovating with faba beans, lentils and other pulses as well. This is because pulses check off all the boxes. In terms of nutrition, they are low in fat and are an affordable source of high-quality protein. They are also high in fiber and contain es- sential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, potassium, folate, zinc, iron, and magnesium. In fact, throughout the world, most national dietary gui- delines recommend pulses as part of a healthy diet. And because they are nutritio- nal powerhouses, they are a vital to good health. Their high protein and fiber content leaves one feeling sa- tiated, which helps with weight ma- nagement and therefore helps com- bat both malnutrition and obesity. And because they contain complex carbohydrates that take longer to breakdown, pulses provide us with sustained energy, in sharp contrast with a sugar rush. These carbohydrates also contain oli- gosaccharides and resistant starch, which improve overall gut health. Further, research has shown that, possibly due to the antioxidant vitamins present in pulses, as well as their high fiber and low-fat content, a diet rich in pulses can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and even certain cancers. Last but not least, there are the environmental con- siderations that tie consumer demand back to the land. Farmers like planting pulses because they draw nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and enriching the soil for the next crop in the rotation. They also require less water to pro- duce than most other protein sources, plant or animal. Consequently, they appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who are opting for food options with low car- bon footprints. It’s not surprising, therefore, that we are seeing pulse production on the rise. According to the UN FAO, betwe- en 1998 and 2018, world pulse production grew by 36 million metric tons, a 63% increase. There is still much to do, of course. For instance, research is needed to boost yields and more must be done to improve the livelihood of pulse growers in the developing world. But people everywhere, whether consumers, food ma- nufacturers or farmers, are coming to the realization that, in this era of climate change and exponential population growth, pulses are the key to the sustainable food systems of the future. Which is why pulses are the future of food. Source: SPINSscan Natural and Specialty Gourmet (proprietary), SPINSscan Conventional Multi Outlet (powered by IRI), 104 weeks ending April 21, 2019, as reported by the Good Food Institute.