Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020
74 MILLER / MARCH 2020 “The healthy operation of an elevator means that it does not leak the product when it carries into the elevator and provides the desired capacity with the determined sufficient and minimum energy consumption in the targeted life. At this point, the use of a well-designed elevator and correctly selected buckets are the main factors in the successful operation of the elevator.” Use of elevator buckets in flour and feed milling industry and its importance At first bucket elevator needs to be defined before providing explanations of elevator bu- ckets. In simple words, bucket elevators verti- cally convey bulk materials. They are conside- red similar to conveyor belts, with the greatest difference being that bucket elevators move material using buckets attached to a rotating belt or chain. The buckets work to pick up ma- terial, move it to the desired endpoint, dischar- ge material, and finally return to the starting point to pick up a new load. Elevator buckets are taking very important place at bucket elevators. Elevator buckets are containers for the collection and transport of powder or granular materials. They attach to belts on a conveyor system. Elevator buckets, or conveyor buckets as they are sometimes MURAT AKSOY General Manager Millpart
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