Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020
75 ARTICLE MILLER / MARCH 2020 known, are usually bolted to a vertical conveyor belt and used to hold and lift the material. It is possible to mention bucket elevators under, resour- ces, kinds, application and specification. RESOURCES Often, they are mostly used to transport raw mate- rials of flour, animal feed production, pasta production, cement industry, recycling plants etc are the mostly use of area. Elevator buckets are also used to move other abrasive or hot materials, and may be designed for eit- her agricultural or industrial applications. Some elevator buckets are made of metals such as aluminium, cast iron, or steel. KINDS There are many dissimilar types of elevator buckets and a variability of ways to categorize them. In additi- on to materials of construction, elevator buckets may be defined as low-front, medium-front, or high-front. They may also be listed as shallow pattern, medium pattern, or medium deep pattern. Typically, shallow-pattern and medium-pattern elevator buckets are used to convey sti- cky materials such as clay at slow speeds, or to transport free-flowing materials such as sand at higher speeds. In addition to bucket type, products differ in terms of: • wear and impact resistance • heat resistance • diameters colour and dimensions and • bolt-hole patterns and thickness • bucket venting for the flow of carried material. SPECIFICATIONS Before preference of buckets; it requires an analysis of the material to convey, characteristics of equipment, and the elevator itself. When evaluating the material which will be carried there should be points to be calculated as; restrictions such as density, humidity, particle size, and heat should be considered. Since elevators differ by ma- nufacturer, application, and industry, there are a variety of elevator specifications to consider. These include head pulley diameter, shaft size, boot pulley diameter, take-up style, head shaft revolutions per minute (RPM), trunk size, and the distance from head to boot shaft. Feed di- rection, belt type, elevator capacity, width, and lagging should also be noted. Elevator manufacturers generally follows to create rules in the sector by using certain mo- dels in different capacity ranges in order to create certain body sizes. The elevator body types, which are generally referred to as drum diameter, are offered as models such as Ø200, Ø400, Ø600, Ø700, Ø900. In parallel, eleva- tor bucket manufacturers have developed bucket models specific to elevator types by creating specific bucket mo- dels. These bucket types are defined by dimensions such as Width X Height or full volume, wiping full volume. The engineers who designs the process make use of the buc- ket tables communicated by the bucket manufacturers to determine the most suitable bucket model and the frequ- ency of placement on the belt that can provide the desi- red capacity for the right process and the right product. Bucket manufacturers are now able to produce buckets from a wide range of engineering materials. More pre- ferred are buckets produced by injection molding from engineering plastics rather than conventional sheet buc- kets. The use of elevator buckets with long life, high wear
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