Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020
76 ARTICLE MILLER / MARCH 2020 and fracture resistance is essential for process quality and safety. The supplier catalogs can be used to select the type of bucket that suits the product and process to be transpor- ted. In addition to this, it will be a good method to con- sult the supplier in the selection of the bucket depending on the product to be transported. The lifespan of an elevator bucket will vary depending on the material and production conditions in which it is manufactured, as well as the level of abrasion and service life of the product it carries. When transporting produ- cts with high abrasive characteristics, elevator buckets made of plastic materials with high resistance to abrasion should be preferred. On the other hand, when carrying wetter and stickier, molasses materials, elevator buckets made of materials of special composition according to this working method are preferred. The healthy operation of an elevator me- ans that it does not leak the product when it carries into the elevator and provides the desired capacity with the determined suf- ficient and minimum energy consumption in the targeted life. At this point, the use of a well-designed elevator and correctly selected buckets are the main factors in the successful operation of the elevator. APPLICATIONS Some elevator buckets are designed spe- cifically for agricultural or industrial app- lications. For example, cast nylon buckets are used in foundries, glass plants, mines, and other demanding environments. The- se elevator buckets are corrosion-resistant, relatively low-maintenance, and designed for clean dumping. Because they are ligh- tweight, they can help increase bearing and drive component life, reduce belt stret- ching, and reduce the amount of power required to operate bucket elevators. If there is comparison between plastic or steel bucket the following points mentio- ned. • Plastic buckets are non-corrosive • Plastic buckets will flex when they en- counter an obstacle, allowing the bucket to pass through without damage, they then return to their original shape. Steel buckets will dent and loose capacity; the deformation of steel buckets also increases the risk of spark by scraping the casing or another metal object placed near the bu- ckets. • Fixing or changing a damaged steel bucket requires costly down-time and la- bour. • Using the proper plastic is for the spe- cific application, bucket life should be as good or grea- ter in most applications. Stainless steel can for instance be replaced with Nylon or Urethane (the most resistant plastics) at a fraction of the cost. • Plastic buckets also have important weight savings that can reduce cost by being able to use a lighter eleva- tor belt. It also improves the life of other drive compo- nents in the elevator. • Polyethylene and Urethane are approved for use in food applications by the FDA in the United States whe- reas steel buckets are often not. • Plastic buckets are non-sparking • Nylon, polyethylene and polyurethane buckets are usually substantially less expensive than steel to start with. • Light weight plastic buckets with a low profile cut can be placed closer together, thus enhancing capacity
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