Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020
80 MILLER / MARCH 2020 "As the flutes of rolls wear out over time, millers squeeze them more and try to get as much use out of them as they possibly can. Wearing out flutes affects many parameters in the milling process, such as the yield capacity. The capacity of yield decreases due to wear, also leading to increased energy consumption and a decrease in product quality." RollCare profile measurement device Nowadays, most millers determine the time to change the rolls by their own experiences with such devices and machinery. Yenar, howe- ver, has a solution to help with this. First rele- ased on the market in October 2019 at IAOM Southeast Asia in Jakarta, the latest innovation from Yenar’s R&D centre is the rollCare Profi- le Measurement Device, a solution designed to optimize the use of rolls in the mill. This device is the only solution designed for the said purpo- se in the world that uses laser technology to measure roll life. After the initial measurement, rollCare allows users to compare stats by over- lapping automatically the measured profile and the theoretical one and providing users with ac- curate deviations. With rollCare, users can easily determine the optimal time required to re-corrugate their rolls. With rollCare, users can check the corrugation status of various rolls while actively corruga- ting on the corrugating machine. Millers can also control the carbide’s angles before fluting operations, providing a system to check whet- her angles are correct or still need sharpening/ adjustment. rollCare measures the depth, land, sharp angles and dull angles, radius, pitch, and grinding area. These statistics are then calcula- ted automatically to analyze the wear percenta- ge of corrugations. THE SPECIFICATIONS OF ROLLCARE Millers can measure the profile of rolls whi- le sitting in the comfort of the mill operator’s room, thanks to rollCare’s wireless connectivity and rechargeability. The solution needs only one full charge to be able to be used for a full 24 hours. rollCare measures rolls by using laser technology, as mentioned above, and thanks to this innovative new design the device records data with excellent accuracy and via rapid data collection. Users can verify all types of corruga- Sefa Yeğin Mechanical Engineer Area Sales Manager Yenar
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