Miller Magazine Issue: 123 March 2020
81 ARTICLE MILLER / MARCH 2020 tion style in rolls, especially when measuring the thin flutes that can often pose more difficulty for the average roller measurement device. American style corrugating forms such as RBV, Stevens, ST, and Dawson can also be measu- red. There is no diameter range for rollCare, so millers can use it for flour milling rolls, flaking rolls and many more. The solution is also portable. Specially designed software allows users to measure easily all the parameters required with toolbars. Users then need to input manually the the- oretical flow sheet of the rolls they wish to analyze, then the program automatically draws a graph of the profile and overlaps both profiles. Millers can export the results as a PDF or DXF to easily keep profile records of each corrugated roll. The software is designed by Yenar, with our 25 years of experience in the roller milling business. The solution is easy to operate and boasts powerful capabilities, reflecting Yenar’s brilliant engineering expertise.
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