Miller Magazine Issue: 124 April 2020

22 NEWS MILLER / APRIL 2020 Millers, bakers, confectioners and pasta manufacturers use World Flour Day to draw atten- tion to the significance and diversity of flour products with their creative activities. First World Flour Day celebrated worldwide 20th March 2020 was the first World Flour Day. To mark this event, the idea giver and initiator Carsten Blum from the FlourWorld Museum presented a special flour sack in Wittenburg. Farmers, millers, bakers and the who- le flour processing industry – from New York to Sydney, from Buenos Aires to Mexico, from Lisbon to Moscow – celebrated this day with activities of their own. “Flour is one of the world’s most important staple fo- ods. We are proud that people around the globe are ce- lebrating this day on the initiative of the FlourWorld Mu- seum,” says Carsten Blum. “Especially since it took place under such exceptional conditions, the day emphasizes the existential significance of flour for human health and nutrition”. Day of gratitude 20th March was chosen deliberately as the date for paying tribute to flour. The day is in the middle of the solstice, which varies between the 19th and the 21st of March. In the northern hemisphere it marks the start of spring and seedtime, while in the southern hemisphere it represents autumn and the harvest. For far- mers and the flour processing industries, the days around 20th March are a special time of hope and gratitude. Millers, bakers, confectioners and pasta manufacturers use this day to draw attention to the importance and di- versity of flour products through creative activities of their own. All under the motto: “Share your bread and it will taste better. Share your happiness and it will increase!” THE INITIATOR: THE FLOURWORLD MUSEUM With the new World Day, the FlourWorld Museum is emphasizing the tremendous role this ‘white gold’ has always played in the history of civilization: “Flour has sa- feguarded man’s survival for thousands of years”, says Volkmar Wywiol, the founder of the FlourWorld Museum. Opened in Wittenburg, Germany, in 2008, the museum houses the world’s biggest collection of flour sacks. The motifs on the 3,500 or more sacks from 140 countries tes- tify to the pride of millers. They tell surprising and moving stories about what corn, flour and bread mean to people the world over. But more than that: flour is a nutritional power of the first order. In a cultural tour of the exhibiti- on, the FlourWorld Museum illuminates the epoch-making effects flour had on man between the Neolithic and the In- dustrial Revolution, and will continue to have in the future.