Miller Magazine Issue: 124 April 2020

27 NEWS MILLER / APRIL 2020 controlling yield which is used by very large mills as well. Today, it is hard to think of the mill without the touch PC used for controlling the entire mill. Bühler also helped optimize the cleaning system and the grinding. The latter is done with the Diorit roller mill MDDY which is hardly surpassed when it comes to grinding efficiency and relia- bility. Today, Albert Biemer produces the same volumes as previously but only needs 10 hours a day for it. In return, he now has a family life again. Biemer Mühle is currently exporting about 28 percent of its production volume, mostly to European cities. Albert Biemer appreciates the direct contact with his small Asian shopkeepers in Germany, which is why he still likes to de- liver the chapati flour to many of them personally. Chapati is an unleavened Indian flatbread that is made with a mixture of wholemeal flour, water and spices. It is a part of almost every meal in Northern India and Pakistan. It is often served with lentils, cumin and coriander. When Indians migrated to the African continent, it be- came known there as well. The flatbread often serves as a type of spoon when eating. There is also chapati flour made of barley, mil- let and wheat, or just pure wholemeal flour.