Miller Magazine Issue: 124 April 2020

30 NEWS MILLER / APRIL 2020 Bühler invites its customers to a virtual interpack from May 11-15, 2020 under the motto “Creating food sensations” with digital showrooms, chats, and webinars to present its latest technologies and solutions. Bühler invites to virtual interpack tradeshow The interpack tradeshow in Düsseldorf, Germany, is an important milestone for the consumer foods industry, ta- king place every three years. As is the case with many events and tradeshows in the last weeks, interpack has been postponed in order to mitigate the risk of spreading the coronavirus. The show was originally scheduled from May 7-13, 2020. Customers should keep the dates May 11-15, 2020, in their schedule, as Bühler will invite to a virtual interpack under the motto “Creating food sensati- ons” with digital showrooms, chats, and we- binars to present its latest technologies and solutions. “The interpack 2020, like many trades- hows around the world, has been cancelled to keep people safe and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This cautionary decision is a positive step for the health and safety of our customers and employees,” says Germar Wacker, CEO of Bühler’s Consumer Foods business. “The current challenges require us to explore new ways of reaching out and pre- paring for the future. In this case by running events digitally and discovering the potential of virtual events. We ask all our customers and interested people to keep the interpack dates in their calendars,” he adds. Within the next days, Bühler will invite everyone who had planned to travel to Düsseldorf to join the company’s virtual booth online, get inspired by new end-product compositions, meet Bühler experts and sales people in chat rooms, or enter technical presentations online. “There are so many challenges and opportunities in the consumer foods market today that deserve new solutions,” says Germar Wacker. “We want to invite all our customers to explore these solutions in a