Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020

16 NEWS MILLER / MAY 2020 İsmail KEMALOĞLU İK Tarımüssü International Consultancy An overview of global and Turkish agriculture and food sectors in the light of the Covid-19 Guest Author "We expect price fluctuations in foreign markets will continue because of the coronavirus crisis. Measures about international trade will determine prices. Governments will choose to increase strategic stocks. Importance of e-commerce will increase for food and agriculture. Demand for staple food like flour, pasta, rice, bulgur, and pulses will increase." The coronavirus pandemic that has shaken the world and prevented day-to-day activities has also affected the agriculture and food sector deeply. On the one hand, food security and safety are deemed to be more important now. On the other hand; price fluctuations have increased be- cause of physical limitations, regulatory restrictions, and deteriorating market expectations. As demand for food increased, hunger and poverty have deepened. How should we evaluate the agriculture and food sectors in the light of these developments? First of all, as the significance of agriculture and food increases, humankind started to redefine its perception about the environment, the land, and nature and ret- hink its superiority against nature as the effects of climate change and global risks continue to be more apparent. 12