Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020
26 NEWS MILLER / MAY 2020 Australia's largest flour mill to increase its capacity Australia's largest flour mill is increasing its production capacity, allowing it to produce an extra 50 million kilog- rams of flour by the middle of the year. The huge increase in the production of flour is because of the coronavirus pandemic and consumer demand. Manildra Flour Mill, based in New South Wales' Cent- ral West region, has experienced a 60 to 70 per cent increase in demand for its products in recent weeks. Manager John Brunner said the company had been operating for 68 years and demand had reached a re- cord high. "It's been very hectic, and we've had to ope- rate our factories all day and night to keep up with the demand, in the past couple of months," he said. "It's been even bigger than the lead up to Christmas or Eas- ter, it's unprecedented." "The orders from supermarkets and hot bread shops have gone up as people stay at home to cook, rather than going out." Mr Brunner said new machinery would be installed at the mill, allowing production to increase by July. "This will allow us to produce an extra 50 million kilograms of flour and allow us to meet any surge in demand in future," he said. ABARES: FEARS OF WHEAT SHORTAGES ARE MISPLACED The federal government’s agricultural research body, Abares, has sought to debunk fears that Australia could run out of basic foodstuffs such as rice and wheat, thou- gh it says it is possible there could be temporary disrup- tions to supply chains due to Covid-19. An Abares pa- per says fears of feed shortages are misplaced and that dwindling stocks of rice, pasta and flour on supermarket shelves are due to consumers panic buying and not due to any fundamental shortages. The head of Southern Riverina Irrigators, Chris Brooks, has claimed that Australia risks running out of rice and wheat as a result of the pandemic and that, at least on the east coast of Australia, there is not enough of these grains being produced to meet supply.These concerns have been picked up by Nines’ 60 Minutes, and echoed by the NSW deputy premier, John Barilaro. But Abares says that such fears are “misplaced” and that, although Australia does import rice to meet con- sumers’ tastes for different varieties, it also exports 52% of local rice, based on three-year averages of production. “We remain a net exporter of food. We export 70% of our beef and veal, 71% of our wheat, and 41% of our dairy products,” the agriculture minis- ter, David Littleproud, said as he released the report. He said ensuring food security was one of the govern- ment’s top priorities and part of the $320bn response. “We have implemented strategies that include mainta- ining agriculture’s service and supply lines, extending work visas and providing freight support,” he said.
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