Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020

Reshaping globalisation of the grains, oilseeds and rice sectors One of the objectives of the IGC is to provide the latest grains, oilse- eds and rice market information to further international trade and we therefore consider it of utmost im- portance to go ahead with the 29th IGC Grains Conference at this uncer- tain time. Following the travel restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pande- mic, the IGC Secretariat is working hard to arrange a virtual internatio- nal conference which will comprise 12 workshops on different themes including reshaping globalisation, climate change, trade finance and the latest grains, oilseeds and rice market developments. Participants will have access to speakers’ video presentations on demand, Q&A sessions and networ- king opportunities via the mobi- le app. All the video presentations will be available for download from 10th June 2020. Please see IGC Conference website for the latest programme. Participation in the conference is being offered at a significant dis- count to allow everyone to benefit from the world expert analysis du- ring this unprecedented time. We thank you for your understan- ding and look forward to meeting you virtually in June. For more information on the con- ference programme and to register please go to: / en/conference/confhome.aspx