Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020
82 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / MAY 2020 million tons of this belongs to the private sector. Looking at these data, the storage deficit in Turkey can be seen clearly. The government provides incentives for both rural develop- ment and licensed warehousing in order to meet this deficit. This deficit will be met within a year or two. Turkish Grain Board (TMO) attaches great importance to the development of a licensed warehousing system. Could you give information about the last point reached within the scope of this project? At what stage are we in the targets set for the establishment of grain silos? Together with TMO, the Ministry of Customs and Trade activated the licensed warehousing and commodity ex- change in order to ensure supply-demand balance and healthy storage of products. As far as I know, 183 compa- nies obtained licenses, and 91 companies are currently con- ducting storing. These 91 companies have a total capacity of 4.8 million tons. Currently, many companies are increas- ing their capacity and there are many newly built projects that will be ready for this season. As far as I know, the state aims to reach a total capacity of 10 million tons. Within the next 2 or 3 years, this capacity will reach a sufficient stage. As MYSiLO LİDAŞ, we have a total storage capacity of approximately 300,000 tons in our Aksaray, Yozgat-Yerköy, Yozgat-Şefaatli, Eskişehir, and Kırklareli facilities. We are one of Turkey's largest licensed warehousing businesses. From now on, our investments will continue without slow- ing down. “WE HAVE DECIDED TO INCREASE OUR PRODUCTION CAPACITY” It has been 20 years that Mysilo is in the industry. During this period, it succeeded in substantial things and became a prominent player in the industry. So, what are your goals for the forthcoming decades? For the nonce, our 2025 targets rank in priority. I have already mentioned: In 2025, of course, we will set new goals for this new decade. Believing in our industry and team, we aim for steady growth. We continue to make new invest- ment decisions with my belief in our business, our brand, and most importantly, my team. As part of our continuous devel- opment strategy, we have decided to add a confined space of 30,000 m2 in addition to our factory for capacity increase. We continue to achieve our goals without slowing down. I believe that we will be the largest silo and equipment manufacturer in the world with the exponential increase in our capacity. The projecting of our additional investments is at the last stage. We will have started our construction in a very short time. Is there anything else you would like to add? As a last word, I would like to thank our customers who have supported and preferred us for many years. I would like to state that we will constantly make new announce- ments with our strategic collaborations and new products. Just keep following Mysilo… I wish everyone an easy, healthy, joyful, and fertile harvest.
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