Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020

85 ARTICLE MILLER / MAY 2020 have to be realized without failure smoothly, rapidly and on time. This corresponds to Industry 4.0 which is expressed as the adaptation of information technologies to the industry. INDUSTRY 4.0 CONCEPT AND REQUIREMENTS Reason of the revolution reference to the 4th industrial revolution Industry 4.0 is due to its different image from previous approaches and applications, and further as it enables great expectations in terms of its outcomes. Industry 4.0 can be said to have a “smart” feature, and is based on “cyber physical systems”. It differs with this aspe- ct from the previous industrial revolutions. We can see the historical development of industrial revolutions in Figure 1 below 4 . If we summarize with regard to developments, it is seen that machines are in 1st industrial revolution, processes are in 2nd industrial revolution, electronics and automation are in 3rd industrial revolution, and finally information and communication are in 4th industrial revolution better defi- ned and better used 1 . One can say that Industry 4.0 which is built on automa- tion and being first suggested in 2011 by Germany is an industry management trend to drive forward companies and consequently countries in global competition 5 . Aga- in, Industry 4.0 is also characterized with vertical and ho- rizontal integration of production systems and production resources 6 . Objective of Industry 4.0 in technical means is the exchange of data between machines using Internet and proper hardwa- re, and to enable improvement and development using those data promptly 7 . More shortly, the purpose is to increase usab- le data and to improve decision making 8 . Positive impact of Industry 4.0 applications shows itself with increases in efficiency, turnover, and manpower qualification as well as increase in investments parallel to system requirements. It is tested clearly in Germany ex- perience 9 . For the applications to be re- alized, a digital transformation is inevitable. Data collection, data analysis, full automation and consequently realization of Industry 4.0 will not be possible if digital infrastructure has not been prepared. This is because analysis of “Automation” and “Autonomization” with “Pro- cess Automation” and “Problem Forecasting” is needed, but analysis cannot be performed without data or late co- ming data 5 . For building a smart system, i.e. for applying Industry 4.0, one should be rigorous with system design principles 3 , 4 , 10 . These could be summarized as given below. Interconnection or interoperability: Between machines, and human and machines. Communication between people and smart factories is provided through Internet of Things (IoT). Transparency: Vast amount of information collected from the system is available across the whole system. Decentralization: The system makes decisions on its own with cyber physical systems. Technical assistance: The system assists human being on one hand, and the operator is in “consultant” position for the system on the other hand. This may not be necessary in factories where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used at advan- ced levels. Modularity: Flexible adaptation for variable individual needs is being reached in this way. Industry 4.0 needs exact and as much as possible data. To achieve this will be possible with cyber physical systems. CPS can be defined as systems which integrate analysis and Figure 1: Historical Development of the Industry Source: