Miller Magazine Issue: 125 May 2020

94 ARTICLE MILLER / MAY 2020 43% (Table 2). Under these conditions, analysis using a psy- chrometric chart indicated that cooling of the roof to 23.5°C can bring the air to its dew point, and any further cooling can cause water condensation. That was the situation when the roof of each container was cooled to 16.4°C (during the nights) (Fig. 4). Subsequently, the average maximum r.h. of the headspace was 93% (in the control and the 30 kg calci- um chloride-treated container, Table 2). However, the ave- rage maximum r.h. recorded within the containers treated with calcium chloride dosages higher than 30 kg were in the range 82-89%, indicating the influence of calcium chloride on moisture absorption under the trial conditions. A similar tendency was observed when the r.h. values recorded in the lower layers of the containers were analysed. The average maximum r.h. recorded at the floor of the 120 kg calcium chloride-treated container was the lowest (75%) (Table 2). Comparison of the mc of groundnuts (both in-shell and shelled) of the control container and with that of the 30 kg calcium chloride-treated container (Table 3), showed that for the maximum r.h. (93%) recorded in both containers (Table 2), the mc was expected to be similar. However, re- sults shown in Table 3 indicate that for the 30 kg calcium chloride-treated container, a mc lower than the control was recorded (Fig. 5). In our opinion this difference may have derived from the absorption capacity of calcium chloride, which shortened the period of the maximum humidities which prevailed in the headspace (r.h. >93% lasted for 101 h in the control, versus 66 h in the container with 30 kg calcium chloride). Results achıeved usıng TSL The operation principle of TSL is based on the gas-tight- ness achieved which isolates the commodity from the hea- dspace above the stack (Fig. 6). Such isolation prevents mo- isture migration from the commodity to the headspace. This prevents the daily moisture equilibrium of the cocoa bean moisture with the increased temperature of the headspace air volume. The low gas permeability property of TSL traps the CO2 gas inside the TSL, thus controlling and killing the insects. This gives the TSL the advantage of ‘green’ and safe fumigation.The modified atmosphere created, prevents in- festation, mould growth and oxidation. In the trials described in this work, shipment of contai- ners that were loaded with cocoa beans stacks in TSLs (3 containers) and without TSLs (4 containers) were examined Table 3. Average moisture content (± SE) of in-shell and shelled groundnuts taken from different locations in the containers at the end of the trial Fig. 2- Condensation damaged of boxes during transportation in a container. Fig. 3 - During the day external heat and solar irradiation increase the headspace temperature of the container.