Miller Magazine Issue: 126 June 2020

12 13 NEWS NEWS MILLER / JUNE 2020 MILLER / JUNE 2020 IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA 2021, which will be held in Istanbul by Parantez International Fairs, the address for exhibitions towards grain and feed milling industries, and Victam Inter- national, will have a doping effect for the revival expected by the industry. The exhibition, which will be held with the experience of the two groups in their fields for many years and a solid international network they have established, will be a stepping-stone for the sector. The exhibition, which has already attracted great demand, will offer a platform where suppliers will complete their production capacities. Great international interest for IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA The global economy suffered greatly this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, the World Trade Organization (WTO) stipulates that we will ob- serve a clear recovery in 2021. The food processing and milling industry, of which vital importance in ter- ms of world food security has been understood once again during the pandemic, will also have the oppor- tunity to make a breakthrough with an important ex- hibition that will open its doors early in the forthco- ming year. IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA 2021, which will be organized in Istanbul by Parantez International Fairs, the address for exhibitions towards grain and feed milling industries, and Victam International, will have a doping effect for the revival expected by the industry. The extensive experience of the two groups in their fields and the solid international network they have established will create a synergy that will open the way for the sector. THE EXHIBITION WILL BOLSTER INTERNATIONAL TRADE The exhibition will be a great opportunity for supp- liers who want to increase their overseas trade. This strong cooperation, which will be the powerhouse and locomotive of the sector, will bring together suppliers and investors who have been far from each other for a while because of the pandemic. The two companies that set off with the slogan “The international event of the grain and feed milling industry” will bring together all components of the grain, feed, and pulses sectors under one roof on a stronger and wider platform, crea- ting significant added value. THE INDUSTRY WILL MEET ON 18 MARCH In accordance with the agreement between the par- ties, the 9th International Flour, Feed, Semolina, Rice, Corn, Bulgur Milling Machinery and Pulses, Pasta, Bis- cuit Technologies Exhibition (IDMA) will be held on 18- 20 March 2021 under the name of IDMA AND VIC- TAM EMEA. The exhibition, which will be held in three halls (Halls 5, 6, and 7), will host its visitors on an area of 24 thousand square meters. GET IN TOUCH WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PROFESSIONALS FROM 150 COUNTRIES Preparations for the sensational event in the in- dustry continue at full speed. Parantez International Fairs, which has nearly 20 years of experience in the sector, continues its promotional activities uninter- ruptedly with its head office in Istanbul and foreign representatives. In this context, constant contact with tens of thousands of professionals and industry rep- resentatives is provided in more than 150 countries across five continents. People in the company’s global database created as a result of 18 years of expertise and knowledge in the milling industry are being con- tacted. The excitement for the exhibition is being kept alive with the posts on social media, the significance and rate of use of which are growing in the pandemic process. With the reference magazines of flour and feed se- ctors such as Miller, Feed Planet, and BBM within the structure of Parantez, both the pulse of the sector and the developments in the market are being followed ins- tantly. Adding Spanish, Arabic, and Russian versions on top of the English and Turkish ones that are being read with great interest, Miller magazine now has the op- portunity to appeal to an audience of approximately 2 and a half billion people. SUPPORTED BY NEARLY 30 ASSOCIATIONS Top associations operating in the grain, feed, and food processing sectors from many countries, particu- larly Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, and India, also support the exhibition. The number of foreign associations declaring their support for the event is already close to 30. Thanks to its ongoing promotional activities, IDMA AND VICTAM EMEA, which has already received great demand from all over the world, is expected to host a big meeting that will make the industry happy.