Miller Magazine Issue: 126 June 2020
26 NEWS MILLER / JUNE 2020 Former colleagues remember ‘father of optical sorting’ and ‘larger than life’ inventor and engi- neer Herbert Max Fraenkel who sadly passed away aged 95, at home in London. Bühler pays tribute to company stalwart and pioneer of the world’s first SORTEX sorter Bühler, the global leader in food processing and op- tical sorting solutions, has paid tribute to inventor and highly-respected engineer Herbert Max Fraenkel, who helped to design the world’s first Sortex Sorter known as the SORTEX G1, launched in 1947. Having started as an apprentice, who remained at Bühler until retirement, Fraenkel quickly established himself as an instrumental part of the business and many of the early patents, if not all, were thanks to his tenacity and expertise. Following news of his death, friend and colleague Ben Deefholts, senior research engineer, Bühler Sortex, said during the early days, Fraenkel was ultimately respon- sible for specifying every machine that went into manu- facturing, and could often be found tinkering with the machines for special applications almost as they were being packed. He took on some big projects during his career, inc- luding the development and launch of the 2024 frozen food sorter, which Birds Eye and many other large mul- tinationals installed. Thanks to his continuous dedication, The Bühler Group paid tribute to Fraenkel in its 60th anniversary Sortex sorting book in 2007, explaining how he started as an assistant to Hungarian scientist, Dr. Okolicsanyl and together they worked to research and find a te- chnological breakthrough to speed up the practice of manually handpicking seeds. He and the resear- ch team at Bühler Sortex gave the world’s first de- monstration of sorting, on the SORTEX G1, using a combination of optical ins- pection and electrostatic deflection. This forerunner to all modern day optical sorters, was extremely ver- satile and could sort, peas, beans, corn, small grains such as rice, coffee, beans, nuts and other similar sized foods. Hamid Kefayati, head of single machine business, Bühler, said: “When I joined Bühler Sortex back in 1997, Herbert had been working for the company for 50 years or so. I was told by colleagues that he was the father of optical sorting as we know it today. “Knowing Herbert, his achievements and lifelong commitment to the com- pany, I understand why. He was a true gentleman with a great deal of technical knowhow which is part of the 70 year sorting history of the company.” Bruno Kilshaw, managing di- rector, Bühler Sortex (1993 to 2011) added: “Herbert per- sonified Sortex and he’d been prominent from its beginning until he retired. He was devo- ted to the company. Physical- ly, and in his demeanour, he resembled a benevolent uncle and a science professor, with a wide face, bearing glasses and topped with white, curly hair. “When I joined the company in 1993, he had already filled most of the technical posts in the company, from technical director to service manager and patent officer. He worked well beyond pensionable age and Sortex was his life. Everyone knew, respected and relied on his knowledge.“He taught me everything I knew about 'sorting technology’ and I will remember him fondly as a mentor, colleague and friend.” Fraenkel, who was of Jewish/German descent, born in 1924 in Berlin,came to Britain with his parents inthe 1930s. Sadly he died just before his 96th birthday after neighbors alerted police when he had not been seen around Christmas time at his home in Enfield, London. He had no next of kin and was given a traditional Jewish burial organized by Enfield Council and laid to rest at the United Synagogue’s Waltham Abbey Jewish Ceme- tery. Since 1947, Bühler has been the global leader in the design and manufactu re of advanced optical sor- ting systems whose performance increased productivity and profitability for processors around the world. Sor- tex sorters have set the sorting standard in the food processing sector for almost 75 years. Optical sorting is essential in any processing operation. It sorts food particles and recycled plastic flakes, helping customers meet food safety requirements and achieve a purer pro- duct quality. Herbert Max Fraenkel SORTEX G1, world’s first Sortex Sorter, launched in 1947. One step ahead. To us, that means taking a look at grain quality during loading and shipment, to identify strengths and weaknesses of the new harvest in good time. We don‘t wait until the grain is shipped. We already have the right solution when the first grain deliveries go out. It’s a small step for us, but a big advantage for you. Mühlenchemie the problem-solver “Every harvest has its own questions – and Mühlenchemie has the answer.” Lutz Popper, Scientific Director, Stern-Wywiol Gruppe Mühlenchemie. German Quality Worldwide. #understandingflour A member of Stern-Wywiol Gruppe
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