Miller Magazine Issue: 126 June 2020
42 NEWS MILLER / JUNE 2020 Solea removes metal contaminants from soya powder residue with a magnet Solea Belgium N.V., a Dupont company, recently introduced a new type of magnetic separator in their powder line; the Easy cleanflow magnet from Gou- dsmit Magnetics of Waalre (NL). This magnet checks soya powder for metal contaminants, such as stain- less steel wear particles. The metal particles get into the product as a result of friction at the dryer drum and are absolutely undesirable. Solea's design requ- irements for the magnetic separator were that no operator would be required and that cleaning of the unit could be performed safely and efficiently. The unit also had to be dust-tight, food-proof and fitted with food-safe EC1935 seals. The magnetic separator placed under the vibrating sieve meets all the requ- irements and removes minuscule metal particles and weakly magnetic stainless steel particles as small as 30 μm from powders. STAINLESS STEEL PARTICLES Solae is a food producer and, among other things, they process a residue of soya powder into an ingre- dient for the animal feed industry. The residue conta- ins minuscule metal particles approximately 30 μm in size and stainless steel wear particles, which the Easy cleanflow magnet removes. Grade 316 stainless steel, in particular, is difficult to extract. This magnet is sui- table for large production flows, and its distinguishing characteristic is the very high magnetic flux density of over 12,000 gauss at the contact surface of the bars. The presence of a deflector ensures that the product comes into direct contact with the bars, and the magnet captures no less than 60% of the difficult-to-filter gra- de 316 stainless steel particles. The magnet has a deep magnetic field and is dust-tight to an overpressure of 0.5 bar. It has a simple electric/pneumatic control for user-friendly cleaning. MAGNETIC SEPARATORS Found in most food processing companies, magnetic separators are important filters for very fine metal se- paration. They even capture metal particles that a me- tal detector would miss. Magnetic separators, such as the Easy cleanflow magnet, ensure optimum quality of the end product. They also prevent product recalls and costly damage claims, as well as – in some cases – ma- chine crashes.
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