Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020

36 NEWS MILLER / JULY 2020 Inteqnion b.v., part of the TRIOTT Group and one of Europe’s leading companies in process control and optimization for the feed milling and milling industry announced Michael Larsen as Director of Sales, with the management responsibility for all sales outside Holland. He will also represent all TRIOTT Group companies in general. Michael Larsen appointed as new Director of Sales at Inteqnion BV Michael Larsen has 20 years + experience in the feed milling industry and worked with Daniit and Norvidan, where he held positions as both Director of Sales and CEO. He wor- ked world wide in these positions, ranging from New Zealand over Scandinavia to Latin America. Michael has both a technical engi- neering background as well as an economic degree and has been member of the board of directors for several tech-companies. Mic- hael Larsen was head of development of the Norvidan “On-line Density Tester” and the “Temperature at the Die system” (for which Norvidan received several awards, among ot- hers from “I am very excited getting the opportunity to join the TRIOTT group as I have always admired their passion for the feed milling industry and the way they conducted the- ir business. I had the privilege to do projects together with both Ottevanger and Inteqnion during my time at Norvidan. I came to admire how focused and dedicated Erik and René Ottevanger and the entire group were on delivering on time and make an outstanding project for their cus- tomers. When René contacted me to join the team I had no hesitations what so ever and I am looking forward to working with all my know- ledgeable colleges at Inteqnion and the com- panies of the TRIOTT Group. Together we will bring their excellent products to the market in Scandinavian as well as globally” says Michael. René Ottevanger: “We are very pleased that Michael joined the Inteqnion team. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the feed milling industry and his wide-ranged network he will bring an im- pulse to our company. We see this as a great opportunity to strengthen and increase our position in the market and have great confidence in our cooperation.” Michael Larsen U.S. Senate Ag Committee passes Grain Standards Re-authorization The bill extends the authorization for the Federal Grain Inspection Service of the Department of Agriculture to conti- nue providing inspection services and to maintain an official marketing standard for certain grains and oilseeds. The Fede- ral Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) establishes official marketing standards for grains and oilseeds under the authorization of the U.S. Grain Standards Act, which was first signed into law in 1916. The bill now heads to the full Senate to consider the fi- ve-year reauthorization. Senate Agriculture Committee Cha- irman Pat Roberts, a Kansas Republican, says, “the entire federal grain inspection system needs the certainty, predictability, and transparency” the reauthorization bill provides. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, the top Democrat on the Committee, says the bill “protects the interests of Ameri- can farmers and ensures our credibility as a reliable producer of high-quality crops.” Roberts says the bill has wide industry support. The National Association of Wheat Growers voiced its support of the rea- uthorization, stating, “Our overseas customers value the in- dependent system in place through the Grain Standards Act.” The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) said they also strongly support legislation that would reauthorize and im- prove the U.S. Grain Standards Act. “Stakeholders – ranging from producers to grain handlers and processors to end-u- sers and consumers – benefit when (FGIS) and its delegated and designated state and private agencies provide state-of-the-art, market-responsi- ve Official inspection and weighing of bulk grains and oilseeds, and do so in a reliable, uninterrupted, consistent and cost-effe- ctive manner,” NGFA and NAEGA said in a support letter to Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.