Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020
49 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2020 Maintenance is defined as the set of tasks that involve activities like changing, lubricating, cleaning etc. of components that are worn or have to be changed periodically or have a life time that expired and making adjustments according to user guides. Aim of maintenance is to decrease costs, increase production efficiency and product quality, ensure produc- tion continuity and personnel safety, and increase useful life. Insufficient maintenance results in shutdowns for the mill and causes a decrease in capacity and inadequate production. Accelerated amorti- zations for machines, increase in mineral oils and product costs are also among results of insufficient maintenance. And the ultimate results may be loss of prestige and bankruptcy because of poor quality products. Expenditures on maintenance cannot show direct returns, but they are very important for guaranteeing the overall return from the opera- tion. Small amounts of costs for maintenance can prevent the mill from far reaching breakdowns and a huge financial damage. Besides, regular maintenance on machines also decrease spare part and service costs. We can diagnose many problems in the mill at early stages thanks to main- tenance. One of the first things to examine when a mill is experiencing poor results is the maintenance. Adequate maintenance program can be achieved by the use of three different methods: Unscheduled maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. Management and inspectors, can choose and arrange maintenance systems according to specific needs and local conditions by making use of those methods. Maintenance involves all activities which enable mechanical systems to show desired and anticipated performance at all times. Performing main- tenance according to today’s technology is only possible with adopting systematic and methodologic understanding and engineering perspective. Maintenance, repair and technical service are significant since they affect lifetime of mill- ing machines and ensure them to work non- stop at desired levels. If regular and good maintenance is not performed, machines cannot work for long years. Expenditures on maintenance cannot show direct returns, but they are very important for guarantee- ing the overall return from the operation. ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MILLING PLANT
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