Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020

52 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2020 plan including independent improvements, autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance, education and train- ing, quality maintenance, new equipment management, and TPM plan for offices 2 . The nature of TPM necessitates a blended methodology for maintenance to gain optimum benefit considering plant conditions, production plan, manpower, finance and simi- lar parameters. Despite this, PdM is the method to support TPM philosophy at most due its analytic character, and is highly preferable for plants where continuous production is urgent as other methods will be insufficient in such cases. TPM has many benefits for a plant, but the main parameter measured and calculated to ensure the effi- ciency of the system is the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), which is formulated based on various defined periods, durations and times in usually minutes so that records of these durations should be kept very well. Industry 4.0 and maintenance shortly Industry 4.0 known as the fourth generation of indus- trial activity “represents the fourth industrial revolution on the way to combine modern industries with Cyber Physical Systems (CBS) , Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Services (IoS)”, and is characterized by smart systems and Internet based solutions. In an Industry 4.0 factory, machines are connected as a “collaborating community to collect, exchange and analyse data” 4 . Figure 2: Industrial Revolution Timeline Source: