Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020
58 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2020 platform to be shared by maintenance management sys- tem and different enterprise systems. 2. IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things): Internet of Things enclose the idea that every sensor and machine have ability to sending and receiving of data over the in- ternet. The introduction of IPv6 protocol in the mid-90s gave opportunities for an “infinite” number of devices to be connected to the internet. Mill process machines have to be developed to have ability for communication on internet to maintenance management system. Instead of collecting data from several sources separately and trying to connect the dots, IIoT does this. 3. Fully automated process that can completely controlled from outside the mill with machine learning technologies has Artificial Intelligence algorithm trying to mimic, and eventually supersede human behavior and intelligence. If we combine CMMS with Industry 4.0’s principle aspects, it gives an enterprise system that can access to big data that needed to more accurate maintenance planning. Cyber Physical Maintenance Systems (CPMS) is a new concept introduced by Industry 4.0. This system uses the collected data that gathered in real-time by IIoT sensors. The advantage of predictive maintenance is that neither too much (breakdown maintenance) nor too little maintenance (Preventive Maintenance) should be per- formed, at the same time, the middle road is very hard to find. Thus, to prepare more accurate maintenance pro- gram CPMS uses Artificial Intelligent algorithms like Arti- ficial Neural Network algorithm instead of using statistic analytical approach. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is anoth- er example of new algorithms. This approach determines the potential component failures and failure ratios of critical equipment and components. These systems in- troduce the possibility of more intelligent maintenance scheduling combined with reduced maintenance cost. References: Ravnå R. and Schjølberg P., 2016, Industry 4.0 and Maintenance, Norsk Forening for Vedlikehold, Postboks 73, N-1325 Lysaker, Norway. Li Z., Wang K., and He Y., 2016, Industry 4.0 – Poten- tials for Predictive Maintenance, International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Atlantis Press. Johson C., 2020, A Guide to Industry 4.0 Predictive Maintenance, dustry-4-0-predictive-maintenance/ Cousineau M., 2019, The future of maintenance: A practical guide to Industry 4.0, https://www.fiixsoft- Williams G., 2018, Three ways Industry 4.0 can im- prove uptime and reliability, https://www.sageauto- prove-uptime-and-reliability
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