Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020
72 MILLER / JULY 2020 High food and operating safety as well as low maintenance: Bühler’s Diorit four or eight roller mill consistently and safely grinds a variety of grains. The Diorit MDDY-600/250 four-roller mill is now also available in a longitudinally split version. Diorit four-roller mill now also with longitudinally split Bühler’s Diorit MDDY/MDDZ four or ei- ght-roller mill has proven itself since its market launch in 2017. Thanks to its robust design, reliable grinding and exemplary hygiene, the Diorit is now well-established on the market as a cost-effective yet extremely powerful grin- ding solution. With the Diorit roller mill, wheat, corn, rye, barley, spelt and other types of grain can be reliably ground with high consistency. Since it was first introduced, over 1,500 Diorit roller mills have been sold and are used throu- ghout the world. Dıorıt 2019 Last year, Bühler made further improve- ments to the Diorit, particularly in terms of its user-friendliness. The most obvious innovation of the new Diorit 2019 generation is its comp- letely revised control system. The user interface has been fully overhauled and re-designed, and now facilitates intuitive and simple monitoring and control of the roller mill. However, operati- on of the 2019 generation Diorit mill is not only possible via its newly designed touch screen control panel; the web server integrated into the new machine controls also allows remote operation. So, thanks to the wireless network, the Diorit roller mill can be operated via smart- phone, tablet or PC. This means that the touch screen control system is no longer necessary on the roller mill, but is available on request as an option. Another innovative feature on the Dio- rit 2019 roller mill is the grinding chamber that has been enlarged by 30 mm. This gives the Diorit operator more room for sampling. Dıorıt four-roller mıll wıth a longıtudınally splıt desıgn The Diorit 2019 is available as a four or ei- ght-roller mill in a total of nine different models. Nicholas Trounce Head of Product Management Milling Solutions Bühler Switzerland
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