Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020

73 ARTICLE MILLER / JULY 2020 The Diorit MDDY-600/250 four-roller mill is now avai- lable in three different ver- sions, offering the flexibility to choose between two and four milling passages. The standard version of the Dio- rit four-roller mill with a rol- ler length of 600 mm enab- les two milling passages. The new, longitudinally split ver- sion is available for one side (L1) or for both sides (L2). On the model with one side split (L1), one side of the rol- ler mill is split into two pas- sages of 300 mm each. This enables the four-roller mill to grind three milling pas- sages at the same time. On the version with two sides split (L2), both sides of the roller mill are split into two 300-mm passages each. The Diorit MDDY-600/250/L2 four-roller mill thus has a total of four milling passages. On the side of the roller mill that is split longitudinally, the inlet, feeder and control system are split in two. This means that the grinding properties can be controlled individually for each passage. The MDDY-600/250 four-roller mill with rollers split longitudinally is the ideal solution for small mills and scho- ol mills that have a grinding capacity of between 24 and 60 tons per day. Relıable monıtorıng The modern sensor technology in the new generati- on Diorit also ensures that the rollers always run in the optimal position and at optimum speed. The Diorit roller mill features integrated monitoring of the roller disenga- gement function. This prevents the rollers from running against each other if there is no product present, gene- rating an error message where necessary. The speed mo- nitoring of the rear milling roller checks while the mill is operational that the toothed belt for the drive is working properly. The optionally available, continuous monitoring of the roller and bearing temperature triggers an alarm immediately and stops the drive as soon as the roller or bearing temperature rises excessively. Additional safegu- ards provide the operating personnel with the highest le- vel of operational safety. When using fluted rollers, Diorit offers hand protection. This enables the operator to take product samples in complete safety while the mill is run- ning. Food-safe desıgn The Diorit roller mill is also distinguished by its outs- tanding food safety. All parts of the Diorit roller mill that come into contact with the product are made from rust- free stainless steel or other food-safe materials. Lockab- le covers safeguard access to the machine and ensure that no contamination is able to make its way into the roller mill. The pivoting feeder mo- dule permits fast and comp- lete product discharge and allows easy access for clea- ning. The Diorit’s sturdy, durab- le, cast-iron machine frame provides an optimal base for high grinding performance in 24-hour continuous operati- on. The wide inlet and the variable speed of the feeding roll ensure even feeding ac- ross the entire length of the grinding roll, contributing to consistent product quality. The compact roll pack with self-contained forces means that a high degree of set- ting accuracy and milling stability can be achieved. The low-wear, maintenance-friendly and silent toothed belt power transmission ensures quiet, reliable, constant ope- ration. The Diorit roller’s low maintenance requirements are truly impressive. The low-wear belt overdrive ensures a long service life and reliable continuous operation. The Quick Pack roller package speeds up roller changes, inc- reasing operating time and contributing to an even better overall efficiency of the mill. Customızed solutıons possıble Bühler’s Diorit roller mill is available as a four or ei- ght-roller mill with different roller lengths ranging from 600 mm to 1500 mm. The four-roller mill is also avai- lable in versions with roller lengths of 1,000 and 1,250 millimeters and a roller diameter of 300 millimeters. This increases the roller surface by 20% which extends the surface life of the rollers. The grinding surface is increased by 10% resulting in a higher flour yield in the fine semoli- na passages and a higher proportion of fine-ground flour and less starch damage in the smooth roller passages. Different product inlets, scrapers and rollers can be se- lected for all Diorit models. This means that every requ- irement in terms of performance and throughput can be met. The Diorit roller mill can also be adapted to individu- al requirements with a wide range of optional additional functions such as direct extraction and water cooling. More information about the Diorit roller mill can be found at: The Diorit MDDY-600/250 is now also available in a single-sided or double-sided longitudinally split design