Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020

76 ARTICLE MILLER / JULY 2020 Al-Hazaa Investment Group seeks to always improve its operations and meet the highest international standar- ds in food safety, quality and technology. Al-Hasad mill works according to the Quality Management System ISO 9001 and Food Management Systems ISO 22000. All processes at Al-Hasad Maize Mill are fully automatic without any human touch to maintain high safety and hygiene levels, starting from the fully automatic Intake process for grains and maize until packaging the final products and transporting them to consumers. Maize is usually imported from Brazil, Argentina and the United States through Aqaba port and is transported then by tru- cks to the mill for storage. The silos at Al-Hasad Mill are equipped with appropriate ventilation systems to keep the high-specification corn moist and maintain the best possible conditions. Then the imported corn is sifted in the cleaning secti- on of the mill, the Swiss technology applied at the mill enables efficient removal of stones and other impu- rities accurately through Bühler’s newest optical sor- ter, SORTEX, and other complemen- tary devices. After cleaning, the corn germ is extracted by the MHXM-M corn degerminator that helps maintain a low level of fat through dry deger- mination. During this type of deger- mination, the pro- duct does not come into contact with water, which has a hygienic advantage compared to wet degermination. Because the process do- esn’t require the addition of water or pre-conditioning with steam, the operating costs are less. The product is handled gently so the germ, epidermis and endosperm are neatly separated with a minimal amount of fines, resulting in pure products with a consistent high quality. Finally, the corn is ground in roller mills from Bühler. Products are then packaged in 25-kg and 50-kg wo- ven polypropylene bags supplied by the Group’s plastic factory in Jordan, the New Plastic Industrial Co. or in one-tonne bulk packages for the use of big factories. The New Plastic Industrial Co. was established in 2006 and produces 150 million bags every year for packing flour, rice, sugar, legumes, cement and others. All applied procedures and used machines help to ac- hieve the best extraction rate, high-quality production and low consumption of energy. Al-Hasad mill fits nicely into Al-Hazaa Group’s existing businesses; the storage silos provide the maize mill with its corn needs while the products and by- products produced at the mill are used in the feed mill that belongs to the Al-Hazaa group, Global Feed Mill, that produces two types of feed, catt- le and poultry, for the Jordanian mar- ket as well as some exports to neigh- boring markets.