Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020
78 MILLER / JULY 2020 “The Soy Toolkit is a programme developed by Proforest which aims to provide soy traders, soy buying companies and retailers with information on the tools and resources necessary for them to source soy responsibly. This means decoupling the production and trade of soy from social and environmental issues.” The Soy Toolkit: Resources to help companies address deforestation and human rights risks in the supply chain Brazil is the now the world’s largest soy pro- ducer and exporter and is expected to remain in this leading position over the coming crop years . However, Brazil accounted for a third of the world’s tropical primary forest loss in 2019 and most of it was deemed illegal according to a recent analysis . Soy is considered to be the second largest driver of deforestation globally by some research , but there are also geospatial analyses showing that soy expansion did not happen at the expense of native vegetation loss in many areas. There is growing scrutiny from civil society, media, investors and downstream companies – many of which made pledges not to buy soy Pedro Amaral Ellen Griffiths Proforest Proforest
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