Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020
79 ARTICLE MILLER / JULY 2020 associated with deforestation – as to what extent soy as an ingredient or feed is associa- ted with environmental (and social) issues. How can companies in the soy supply chain evidence that they are not trading soy which is associated with de- forestation, native vegetation conversion or human rights violations? We would expect most of the soy grown in Bra- zil not to be associated with such issues. However, the only way to demonstrate that is by scrutinising the supp- ly chain, and there are many resources for companies to do this in Brazil. The Soy Toolkit is a prog- ramme developed by Profo- rest which aims to provide soy traders, soy buying companies and retailers with information on the tools and resources ne- cessary for them to source soy responsibly. This means decoupling the production and trade of soy from social and environmental issues. The Soy Toolkit organises the wealth of resources that can help companies to implement these policies around a 5-element approach to responsible sourcing, outlined in the figure below: For each element of the Soy Toolkit we outline resour- ces that already exist, helping companies to increase their capacity to implement their commitments by building on existing initiatives. It shows companies how to ac- cess data and methods to engage with supp- liers and trace the soy they purchase, how to use purchase control systems to flag when suppliers might not comply with their poli- cies, and the best prac- tices in monitoring and reporting on progress to stakeholders. Some examples of resources and ınıtıatıves The Amazon Soy Mo- ratorium is an agree- ment signed in 2006 to ensure that soy produc-
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