Miller Magazine Issue: 127 July 2020

80 ARTICLE MILLER / JULY 2020 tion in the Amazon region only occurs on existing agricul- tural land and not through deforestation or conversion of native vegetation. It has been successful in helping reduce soy-related deforestation in the Amazon. Anyone who buys soy from Brazil should check that they are buying from a company that is a signatory to the moratorium: If they are, the buyer should ask for the audit reports to see if they are 100 percent compliant, and if they are not, the bu- yer can take action on it. If they are not a signatory, then the buyer should ask them to become a signatory. The mora- torium provides a credible and successful framework to demonstrate that, whene- ver you are trading soy from the Ama- zon, it is deforestation-free. The Forest Code obliges a landowner to protect from at least 20 to 80 per- cent of their land as native vegetation, depending where the property is lo- cated. Under the farm registry system the government provides online access to every single farm boundary, as well as information on protected areas. This provides people with an unprecedented level of transparency with over 5 million properties enrolled – more than 90 per- cent of all the properties in the country.