Miller Magazine Issue: 129 September 2020

72 MILLER / September 2020 “The patented Termico Silo THT was specifically invented to perform heat treatment for pest control in bins and silos with a size of up to 500 m³ during the full plant operation. The equipment can be installed on individual silos and operates automatically and energy efficient due to the recirculation air system.” Pest Control Management in silos and bins through heat treatment Pests in grain and food processing industries are worldwide known as a big challenge. Due to perfect environmental development conditi- ons in food processing plants it is an extremely difficult to control pests efficiently especially in a tropical climate. Heat Treatment for pest control in food pro- cessing plants is a well-known and proven te- chnology which is used since years mainly in Europe, Japan and North America since Methyl Bromide was banned for fumigation in food processing plants. Complete factories and plants are heated up to a temperature of above 50 degree Celsius Andreas Hummel Chief Technology Officer Wingmen Group Switzerland