Miller Magazine Issue: 129 September 2020
73 ARTICLE MILLER / September 2020 for a period of 24-48 hours, with impressive results. Inse- cts in each development stage die due to the increase of their body temperature. No chemicals are used! Pest Control ın Sılos During plant fumigations or heat treatments, usually the storage silos are excluded of the treatment as most of them still contain product. In most of the plants it is from production planning point of view not possible to have all the silos empty at the same time. Therefore, each of the silos is fumigated individual according the availability and treatment schedule during the regular plant operati- on and production. Challenges with silo fumigation during regular plant operation: -For each individual fumigation there are maybe ap- provals required from public authorities. -Public authorities such as police and surrounding aut- horities need to be informed about the fumigation. -Only external service company or company internal person with all the licenses, certificates and trainings can execute a fumigation. -During the fumigation the building or at least the area below and above the silos need to be evacuated and is not permitted to enter. -A phosphine fumigation needs at least 3-5 days for a successful treatment depending on the surrounding am- bient temperature -Explosion risk (Phosphine) -Risk for employees Wingmen Termico Silo THT Solution for heat treatment in silos and bins The patented Termico Silo THT was specifically inven- ted to perform heat treatment for pest control in bins and silos with a size of up to 500 m³ during the full plant operation. The equipment can be installed on individual silos and operates automatically and energy efficient due to the recirculation air system. Workıng prıncıple Through a flexible duct, hot air is released in the disc- harge area of the silo and rises up along the silos walls. The air is extracted on top of the silo through a filter unit with a fan and blown out through the heating unit / flexible duct again. Due to the air discharge on the lowest point of the silo and the constant air movement, a equal heat distribution with in the silo is given and potential cold spots where pests can survive are eliminated. Due to the rising hot air in the silo, the side walls are heating up and insects are coming out of the pores in the surface and die due to the hot ambient temperature in
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