Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020

15 NEWS MILLER / OCtOber 2020 cialty journal of milling, pulses technologies and sub-in- dustry, Miller is followed by more than 80 thousand in- dustry professionals in 150 countries both in printed and online editions. Miller is published on a monthly basis in English language while it is reaching to readers in Turkish, Russian, Arabic and Spanish. Now, the journal is being opened to scientific and pe- er-reviewed articles. The manuscripts can be uploaded or submitted on-line via / english/ webpage from “Scientific Article” link. The ar- ticles in this part will be signed as “peer-reviewed” and indexed. The articles will be open access, free processed and monthly published. The peer-reviewed scientific ar- ticles is supported by TABADER Association (Association of Grain and Pulses Technologies, Storage and Analysis Systems, ). The Editorial Board is independent and the board member are from 9 different countries. They are also “Welcome on the board”. The concept of the peer-reviewed scientific articles section will be original scientific papers on grains and pulses subjects at the interface between milling and grains/cereals (food and feed), particularly those of re- levance to industry, including 1) grains, cereals, pulses milling; science, technology and engineering, 2) opera- tions and processes analysis, 3) raw materials and ing- redients studies, 4) development of varieties and new genetic resources of cereals (pseudocereals), pulses and their using for food and feed purposes, 5) milling sys- tems, design, energy systems, 6) processing equipment, quality control system and method, 7) properties (phy- sical, chemical, microbiological, toxicological etc.) of grains, cereals and pulses as food and feed, 8) measure- ment, process control, storage, packaging, distribution, conveying, solid handling, production, plant and equ- ipment, 9) economics of milling industry including the economics of alternative processes and products, 10) accounts of milling achievements, 11) innovation, R&D, novel system, studies and products, Industry 4.0, 12) policies, strategies, foresights and future aspects, 13) by-products and waste treatment related to milling, 14) nanotechnologies, 15) dry and wet-milling, 16) compo- nents of milling systems, 17) history and old techniques related to grain and pulses techniques, rediscovering traditional methods, new findings about ancient metho- dology, 18) health, functionality studies, 19) and other milling related studies. In these published articles, the reader will find new and novel information about milling. In addition, the journal will be a good platform to publish high-quality resear- ches made by scientists and researchers. Welcome to a new horizon shining from Miller journal.