Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020
30 NEWS MILLER / OCtOber 2020 The Ivanovka facility with a total capacity of nearly 150 000 m3 of grain began work for the wheat harvest. The solutions and devices used in it represent the highest level of FEERUM's technological thought. Works on the facility were carried out in accordance with the schedule set out in the contract. FEERUM launches another facility in Ukraine FEERUM has completed work on the launch of the se- cond facility for Epicentr K - a Ukrainian agrarian holding, combining the cultivation of over 160 000 hectares of land with modern plant production facilities. In accordan- ce with the contract, FEERUM designed, manufactured and delivered all the necessary devices - silos, energy-sa- ving dryers, transporting devices and an automatic fa- cility control system. FEERUM specialists supervised the assembly of the facility, its commissioning and preparation for intensive work. „Ivanovka is a strategic Epicentr K facility in the Kiev region. The additional 150 000 m3 of grain capacity will certainly significantly improve the capacity of the material and the competitiveness of the Ukrainian contractor. We have put into operation a facility fully adapted to work in industrial mode, with high power and drying efficiency, rich in innovative technologies allowing for safe storage of grain in the best conditions,” says Daniel Janusz, CEO of FEERUM S.A. The FEERUM facilities for Epicentr K use energy-saving dryers with a total drying capacity of over 200 MW and a capacity of 40 thousand tons of corn per day. FTD dryers in Ivanovka operate with the power of 44 MW and the drying capacity of maize 4 500 tons/day. Safe conditions for the stored grain are guaranteed by the automatic ob- ject control system, thanks to which it is possible to cons- tantly measure grain parameters, including humidity and temperature. Through nearly 100 km of wires and control cables to the powered devices, the operator has full cont- rol over each part of the drying and storage complex. In addition, the silo roofs are covered with a special polymer coating that reduces surface heating, and thus allows to keep the temperature lower than the stored grain. Due to the industrial nature of work, a highly durable polymer coating has been used in transport devices and technological connections. „The polymer will allow to extend the service life of machines and devices several times, and therefore of the entire facility. It is an absolute novelty in drying and stora- ge facilities, implemented by FEERUM constructors from other industries, including mining or shipbuilding,” emp- hasizes Daniel Janusz, CEO of FEERUM S.A. In addition, to maintain the highest quality of grain, but also to reduce energy consumption in the elevator - by nearly 40% - belt conveyors have been used. The grain transported on the belts goes to the silo practically wit- hout damage. Belt conveyors also have a longer service life than standard chain conveyors. The transporting de- vices at the Ivanovka facility operate with a capacity of 175 t/h. Ivanovka is the second project for Epicentr K. The first facility was Vapniarka, commissioned in March 2020. FE- ERUM also used conveyors and silos with a total capa- city of nearly 103 000 m3 of grain in Vapniarka. More facilities designed and manufactured by FEERUM will be launched soon - in Vinnitsa and Zakupne.
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