Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020
44 NEWS MILLER / OCtOber 2020 On September 2-3, 2020 took place an International Conference "Black Sea Grain & Oil Trade", organized by consulting agency UkrAgroConsult in Kyiv, Ukraine. International conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL TRADE-2020’ took place in Kyiv on September 2-3 This year conference was held in a new format, combining two areas - grain and oilseed markets, as well as personal and digital participation options. The event attracted over 250 delegates from 20+ countries both in person and online. The conference provided 2 days of exclusive anal- ytics from international industry experts, effective networking with players across the value chain, top managers, decision-makers and opinion leaders. The forum brought up discussions on the key tren- ds in agri markets and global transformation within the ‘New Normal’ environment, regional outlooks, crop forecasts, topical aspects of the current season and the prospects for the next. Leading experts from the Black Sea region, the EU, the USA, China, Indo- nesia, Brazil, Egypt and Australia shared their views. Objective market analysis and effective commu- nication between market players are now more im- portant than ever for adjusting business strategies to the new market reality. Therefore, the conference has become a significant platform for professional exchange and development of effective business strategies. UkrAgroConsult wishes all agrarians to prosper in their niche and informs that that the 18th Internati- onal Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN-2021’ is sche- duled for April 14-15, 2021, InterContinental hotel, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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