Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020
64 INTERVIEW MILLER / OCtOber 2020 Turkish flour industrialists, who are leaders of global flour markets, are the center of attention with their oper- ations. They achieved nearly 1 billion USD of exports and they have worked with full capacity during the Covid-19 pandemics to meet consumer demands both at home and abroad. Çandaroğulları Derya Flour and Feed Indus- try is one of the companies that is mentioned so often with its success. The European-educated board member of the company Ayten Çandar Işık follows the market closely. She combines the German discipline and Turkish friendliness to create her own working principles. Ayten Çandar Işık stresses that her company and the Turkish government have taken all necessary measures to meet demands during Covid-19. She does not foresee a short- age of bread or flour production in Turkey during the pandemic. Ayten Çandar Işık, who is also a member of Ayten Çandar Işık Çandaroğulları Derya Flour and Feed Industry Board Member The participation of women in the flour industry is too low, says Çandaroğulları Derya Flour and Feed Industry Board Member. She adds: “It is worth to remind that anything will be more beautiful when a woman hand touches. If you give a woman a bag of flour she will present you a bunch of delicious food. A woman gets herself informed and then educates her children. She can balance her husband and the whole world. I hope women will be more active in the flour industry.” 'I hope that women will be more active in the flour industry' Interview: Namık Kemal Parlak
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