Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020

65 INTERVIEW MILLER / OCtOber 2020 The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Women Entrepreneurs Council in Akhisar, an- swered our questions. Thank you very much for accepting our interview request. Can you please tell us about yourself? I was born in Germany in 1983. I received a master’s degree in economics from Bochum University. I was working as a logistics manager in Germany, but after the acquisition of our second factory, the Pinar Un, I left Germany to join the company. I am a member of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Tur- key Women Entrepreneurs Council in Akhisar. I am also a column writer for Akhisar Haber. I share my personal views and industrial knowledge. I am married and I have a 10-month-old son called Hakan. The number of women professionals is too low in this industry and we know you as a successful busi- nesswoman. You gave enlightening information at Grain Suppliers Association conferences. What is the secret of your success? First of all, thank you very much for your kind words. Yes, it is hard to be successful but it is even harder to keep it up. No one can be successful by itself and so- called self-sufficient people are the ones who are mis- taken most. Success never comes from nowhere and our success stems from a very active and dynamic team. We follow a policy that focuses on the future rather than the past but we also learn lessons from past ex- periences. I combine the German discipline and Turkish friendliness to create my own working principles. If you are successful you will be in love with your business and you will try to be more successful. This is the indispens- able rule of business life. In addition to this, if you have a happy family life, it will be perfect. Kindly please give some details of Çandaroğulları Derya Flour which has been operating for more than 30 years. The company was founded by Mehmet ve Mücaattin Çandar Brothers in 1990. In 2007, Pınar Flour of Yaşar Group and in 2015 Akhisar Flour were added to the group. Nothing is permanent but change, therefore we always pulse the market to do better. We always priori- tize the society and try to meet the needs and demands of people. What is your production capacity? We have reached a wheat grinding capacity of 1000 tons. It was only 80 tons when we started to operate. We don’t use our full capacity yet. We are ready to meet with raw material availability and technology infrastruc- ture. We have an automation process from receiving the wheat to the final process of flour production. All of these processes are tracked by us and our expert team. We try to remain updated by following innovations and visiting global exhibitions. The world has become a small village with globalization and now we once again real- ized this during the Covid-19 crisis. A virus from a city called Wuhan, which is thousands of kilometers away, has shaken the whole world.