Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020
70 MILLER / OCtOber 2020 Near Infrared Spectroscopy has been used in grain milling for many decades increasing food quality and profitability. Bühler’s NIR Multi Online Analyzer (MYRG) provides continuous monitoring and analysis of the key attributes that determine the quality of a wide range of intermediate and final products. The key advantage: the proven technology delivers accurate information without delay and allows for immediate adjustment where necessary thus contributing significantly to a mill’s bottom line. Recently the technology has been adopted by a growing number of corn mills, bringing these benefits to one of the most important crops in the global food industry. Online Quality Measurement in Corn Processing In grain processing, timely and accurate qua- lity control can make a significant difference to the bottom line. The characteristics of the raw material determine the price of the end produ- ct. As fluctuations can occur at any time in the process flow, spot checking is not a sufficient method to assure quality. For optimal results it is necessary to monitor the flow continuously. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) that utili- zes the near-infrared range of the electromag- netic spectrum has been reliably in use in the grain processing industry to do this for deca- des, resulting in significant additional revenues for mill owners. The latest generation of Online Analyzer for NIR stands out for providing precise informa- tion on product quality in real time through continuous online testing via compact sensors that are easily retrofitted into existing plants. With its ability to measure several product pa- Thomas Ziolko Product Manager Bühler AG
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