Miller Magazine Issue: 130 October 2020
72 MILLER / OCtOber 2020 “Wireless IoT technologies can make old silos usable and reliable again at a small fraction of the cost of renovating or, even worse, rebuilding them. At the same time, being wireless and highly scalable can easily cover large industrial installations as well.” The wireless silo Smart solutions are of utmost importance for any economy to boost its growth. Agriculture is a very traditional sector, strongly correlated with the production of food. Therefore, it has several important aspects beyond economic growth. New technologies in agricultural se- ctor offer the ways to improve and optimize traditional practices and deal with the chal- lenges introduced by the population increase, the climate change, and the demand for hig- her-quality food across the world. This creates the urgent need for researchers and companies to develop solutions which will mature quickly to reach the farmers and make the production of food cost-efficient and sustainable. Improving productivity, optimizing farming methodologies, reducing the environmen- tal footprint and costs, educating farmers are quite popular topics. An aspect of food supp- ly procedures that has not been in focus that much is the offering of more food by losing less food during storage. An estimated 30% of the food is lost or wasted along the supp- ly chain according to FAO . Similar losses are identified in cereals, oil seeds and pulses . A good number of storage facilities, especially si- los, are abandoned as they are considered too Antonis Tzounis, MSc Field Ops Manager Centaur Analytics, Inc.
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