Miller Magazine Issue: 131 November 2020

75 ARTICLE MILLER / November 2020 most pressing questions: Are the rollers in working order and what is the absolute wear on the rollers? Based on the measured values of the surface and corrugation edge condition, initial consultative advice can already be gi- ven on-site, keeping downtime to an absolute minimum. Customers are provided with the complete findings in the report. ecoReport for fluted rollers The ecoReport provides customers with information on the economically optimal timing for examining rollers and a recommended date for the next roller change. The measurement values are combined with customer-spe- cific operational data. The results form the basis for a profitability analysis, showing detailed information about the customer’s service costs, energy loss due to non-op- timal maintenance as well as the resulting loss in yield. The report forecasts data on the expected yield change, recommends a date for a roller revision and calculates the saving potential. With this holistic approach, customers benefit from Bühler’s consulting expertise, resulting in tangible savings. rollReport Summary for fluted rollers The report provides customers with an overview of the results of tecReports. This encompasses values on the wear status of each roller (“OK / WATCH / CRITICAL”) as well as recommendations for action (“GOOD” or “EX- CHANGE”). rollReport for reconditioned fluted rollers Rollers reconditioned by Bühler are inspected at our workshops before they are shipped to customers. A rol- lReport provides customers with data on an individual roller’s condition, giving peace of mind. KEY TAKEAWAYS • Worn out rollers are costly - The correct timing of roller exchange saves cost and maintains quality at the highest standards. • Many measuring techniques are subje- ctive or provide incomplete and inconclu- sive data - The roller exchange often takes place too early or too late. • rollDetect provides accurate empiri- cal data on the condition of rollers – It is a proven system designed to provide tangible cost benefits. • Designed for fluted and smooth rollers, workshops and the field – Only Bühler’s measuring device is so versatile. • A holistic approach for best perfor- mance – Bühler’s rollDetect service goes beyond measuring individual rollers, provi- ding a forecast of optimal exchange timings and predicted cost savings. Figure 3: The report includes all essential information in an easy to read format Figure 4: The process flow for sustained savings Figure 5: The roller exchange sweet spot