Miller Magazine Issue: 132 December 2020

70 MILLER / december 2020 “Thanks to the performance of the ViscoQuick, starch parameters can now be measured within 10 minutes. The latest innovations built into the device allow heating rates of up to 20 °C/min. and cooling rates of up to 15 °C/min. without the need to connect a heating/cooling thermostat.” The cooking and cooling behaviour of commercially available vanilla puddings INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES The consumption of vanilla pudding is very popular among the population of many countries and regions. This is shown by the large number of suppliers who offer a bro- ad range of variants, divided into cold-pro- duced products and those that need to be cooked. No wonder that even medium-si- zed discounters and supermarkets may have listed 2-5 different ready-to-cook va- nilla pudding mixes suppliers. The main ingredient of the mixes is star- ch, mainly made from maize. Furthermore, they contain table salt, aroma and colou- rings, partly real bourbon vanilla is added. Customers experience product quality pa- rameters as taste, colour and consistency only with their senses. As this is very sub- jective, this study concentrates exclusively on one measurable quality parameter: vis- cosity. In addition to the already mentio- ned taste and colour, this is one of the main sensory properties and thus responsible for the popularity of vanilla pudding. Markus Löns Business Development Manager Food Brabender GmbH & Co. KG