Miller Magazine Issue: 132 December 2020
72 ARTICLE MILLER / december 2020 • Viscosity changes during maintaining the tempera- ture (B-C) • Viscosity changes during cooling time (2-3) The existing procedures and standard regulations (ICC/AACCI/ISO1)) describe temperature ramps of 30 °C (start temperature) and 50 °C (end of the cooling pha- se) as methods. The heating and cooling ramps of these methods are sometimes relatively low, which means that the measurements are very precise, but can take up to >1.5 hours. The consistency at 20°C and 6 °C (assumed room/fridge temperature) was also investigated. Betwe- en the heating and cooling phase, different holding times at 93 °C are also specified depending on the laboratory equipment. Distilled water was used as liquid. Fig. 1: Brabender ViscoQuick ® Tab. 1: Overview of methods
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