Miller Magazine Issue: 132 December 2020

73 ARTICLE MILLER / december 2020 Thus, the gelatinization properties can be measured very precisely and reproducibly within this short period of time (e.g. 10 min. for corn starch) and displayed grap- hically (see Fig.1). The examination of the different samples should be carried out under conditions nearest to the end user. This means that the manufacturer's instructions and recom- mendations should be observed, and the samples should be processed as it is typical for households. In the first step, the process parameters listed in Tab. 2 were set on the ViscoQuick. The recommended weight for the Vis- coQuick for the measurement of corn starch is 105 g wa- ter and 10 g starch. The amount of pudding mix weighed in per test was made according to the manufacturer's specifications and was converted accordingly from 500 ml liquid to 105 ml. The pudding mix to be examined were each dissolved in the correspon- ding liquid and placed into the measu- ring cup of the ViscoQuick. The pre- mixing of the powder with sugar, as recommended by the manufacturer, was omitted to evaluate only the pure mix in the first step. The following parameters served as the basis for the first test setup: • Starting temperature: 30 °C • Holding temperature: 93 °C • Final temperature: 50 °C • Speed: 250 min-1 • Measuring range: 150 cmg • Test time: 10 min. The heating rate of 20 °C per mi- nute was much higher than with the methods known and used so far. This considers the fact that modern kitc- hen stoves (e.g. induction) but also industrial cooking systems can bring liquids to the boiling temperature in much less than 10 minutes. The sub- sequent holding time of 3 min. is ba- sed on the short cooking time usually recommended by the manufacturers. In addition to the standard parameters already menti- oned, test runs had been primarily oriented towards pra- ctical application and the state-of-the-art technical pos- sibilities. This refers to the cooling phase with lower final temperatures (20 °C / 6 °C) for which special cooling ramps were developed. These reflect the temperatures at which pudding is usually consumed (20 °C room tempe- rature, 6 °C fridge temperature). Significant difference in consistency was expected compared to each other and to the temperature of a recently cooked pudding (50 °C). Test series 2: Analysis under variation of the liquid In the laboratory, experiments are usually performed with distilled water. Besides the easier handling of wa- Thanks to the performance of the ViscoQuick, these typical starch parameters can now be measured within 10 minutes. The latest in- novations built into the device allow heating rates of up to 20 °C/ min. and cooling rates of up to 15 °C/min. without the need to connect a heating/cooling thermostat. Fig. 2: Example: ViscoQuick curve of corn starch Tab. 2: Overview of test encoding