Miller Magazine Issue: 134 February 2021
37 NEWS MILLER / february 2021 During the second quarter of the current marketing year, Nibulon, one of the largest grain traders in Ukraine, has shipped for export almost 1.6 million tons of agricultural commodities. This is the best result since it commenced operations and has been achieved despite poor harvests. Nibulon continues to achieve new grain export goals in 2020/21 MY In November 2020, the month-end results in the second quarter showed that the company shipped 623 thousand tons of grain, which represents the most successful result in grain shipment. November 2020 is one of the three best months for commodity exports since the company commenced operations. Corn, with a 40,8% share (648 thousand tons), dominates in the exports, and wheat, with a 26% share (413 thousand tons), takes second place. The shares of barley and rapeseed are almost the same – each about 16%. By the way, direct agricultural commodity producers provided 40% of the company’s agricultural commo- dity suppliers ten years ago, and their share was inc- reased to 85% in 2020. These agricultural commodity producers have become direct participants in the gra- in export operations. This has become possible be- cause Nibulon’s transshipment terminals and elevator complexes have been built closer to farmers. The company is proud of another achievement in the 2020/21 marketing year. It has transshipped 72,5% (1.9 million tons) of the total grain exported by the company in the outer roads of Mykolaiv Sea Port in the first six months. This is a record when compared to the same periods in previous years. During the 2020 navigation season, the com- pany’s fleet transported 4.14 million tons of cargo- es. This is the best result in the history of Nibulon’s water transportation. Every year it increases the vo- lume of cargo transportation by river and continues to develop Ukrainian navigation. Its most modern fleet operation not only improves inland logistics, contributes to the preservation of environment and Ukrainian highways, but also increases the compe- titiveness of the Ukrainian agricultural commodities on the global market.
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