Miller Magazine Issue: 134 February 2021

42 MILLER / february 2021 How do we define flour quality? There is no single definition. Different end products require different flour qualities. What types of flour do you mill and who are your customers? We have testing solutions and ex- pertise to help you mill the right flour, consistently. It should be noted that quality in reference to flour is sometimes misconstrued, as many times it could be more appropriate to refer to charac- teristics. A good soft wheat flour may have ex- cellent “quality” for making good biscuits and will likely be of poor “quality” – read inadequate - for bread baking. So, when discussing quality, it must be product-use specific. Flour use dictates its properties. Generally, there are 3 types of flours: • Low in protein 6-11% Cakes, cookies/bis- cuits, crackers • High in protein 11-14% Bread • Durum Higher in protein and gluten strength, for semolina, pasta and noodles PerkinElmer focuses on helping millers to create the right flour for its intended use. Additionally, our goal is to help someone like a baker to make better cookies for instance – not make them an NIR or another analytical instrument expert. With decades of experience in the flour milling industry, PerkinElmer, with the ownership of Perten Instruments, is uniquely positioned to help grain processors for NIR compositional analysis, functional specifications, mycotoxin testing and more. We deliver the instrumentation, software, methods and analysis tools you need, as well as deep- seated knowledge of the challenges for balancing safety and nutritional value in a changeable ingredient marketplace. Analytical tools to ensure consistent flour quality production Corinne CHARRIÉ Marketing Solutions, Food Leader – EMEAI Region