Miller Magazine Issue: 134 February 2021

43 COVER STORY MILLER / february 2021 What do flour milling companies have to do? To a large degree, industrial flour milling is the same process around the world. It is the demands placed upon, and options available to millers in different locations, that create different strategies to design the flours required for their local markets - different baked products, different wheats, different quality issues, im- port/export markets and more. PerkinElmer, with the ownership of Perten Instruments, has decades of experience in the flour milling analytical field. Ensuring consistent flour quality is about understanding the flour miller needs in compositional analysis, functional proper- ties and product safety. We have the analytical solutions and methods to optimize yield and flour quality. At wheat receival, our instruments help ensure you receive the wheat quality you purchased. The instruments can guard against taking in sprouted or mycotoxin-infected grain, segre- gate for protein, and monitor tempering. Our online systems provide moisture, protein, and ash results in real time, allowing you to optimize blends and flour yield. And you can test final products for rheological properties such as water absorption, mixing time, mixing tolerance, and other properties such as Falling Number, moisture, protein, ash, starch pasting, and more. All this testing ensures that you deliver a consistent and quality flour that meets the needs of your various flour users. Measurements are required at 3 key stages for consistent quality in flour production. 1. At wheat intake - Managing wheat supply and pur- chasing the right wheat When you know the properties of the wheat you are buying, you can produce the flour your customers need. Make sure you get what you pay for. For doing so, it is essential to measure moisture, test weight, protein content; assess sprout damage and gluten quality. At grain intake the Falling Number instrument is essen- tial to detect sprouted shipments. One truckload of sprouted wheat can lower the grade of the entire content in a silo. You cannot afford to take the risk and not test. The Falling Number Method is the world industry standard and accepted method for detecting sprout damage in flour, wheat and other grains. Perten Falling Number models are the only validated instruments worldwide for the approved methods. Moisture, Protein and Test Weight can be measured at wheat receival, in less than 50 seconds, with the most popular grain analyser, the Inframatic 9500 . The Glutomatic System is a simple, rapid and repro- ducible method to perform at the grain reception and provide functional information of gluten without ex- tracting the flour. Today, you can upgrade to the new Perten Glutomatic 2000 system . It has improved fea- tures for better accuracy, repeatability and traceability. Falling Number® 1000 Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System