Miller Magazine Issue: 134 February 2021

63 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / february 2021 needs of the agri-food industry, such as studies, consultancy and technical assistance, food safety, specialized training in milling, anal- ysis and testing, research and devel- opment and technology monitoring. Why did you choose the Bra- bender Moisture Tester MT-C for moisture analyses in your labora- tory? The moisture content of cereals and derivatives (especially wheat and flour) is important to ensure that the flour remains stable during storage and to balance the baking values required for making bread. From these facts, the sample prepa- ration for grinding and the adap- tation of the operating diagram to the grinding stage is derived. Fur- thermore, this criterion is of a cap- ital character with regard to value creation. However, the use of the Brabend- er Moisture Tester MT-C by our De- velopment Center for Agro-Indus- trial Development Center (C.D.A.A.I.) partly meets the requirements of ISO 712. There are minimal differences between the standard and the operating manual of the instrument, which is normal, but the accreditor requires validations which we have performed successfully. The MT-C is equipped with a permanent wet flow. The drying process is much faster than with a conventional oven and is characterized by its precision and reliability. It has been modified by introducing an automatic part in the equipment. Furthermore, it is to be noted that it is calibrated and qualified by the supplier and has a calibra- tion certificate. What was necessary to validate the MT-C to comply with ISO 712? In order to validate the analytical method applied by using the MT-C, we had to observe the use of ISO 5725- 2 as a reference document, as well as the use of ISO 5725-2 as a calculation tool with reference to Chapter ISO 17025/2017 Note 2 - Evaluation of uncer- tainty of measurement results, based on knowledge of the theoretical principles of the method and practical ex- perience with its implementation. Thus, among other measures, pedagogical explana- tions were developed and formulated for the auditors of the organization ACCREDITEUR. Uncertainties are in- trinsic to ISO 5725-2 through the methods of GRUBBS and COCHRAN (intrinsic elements of ISO 5725-2) with regard to the metrological control of equipment and testing by control bodies. CDAAI applied the 95% con- fidence level method (k=2). This is the rule used for the metrological confirmation of devices (achievable by stan- dard or MRC). The results of the interlaboratory compar- ison tests (BIPEA) obtained at our level from January to June were satisfactory. Interlaboratory tests issued by the prestigious Inter- professional Bureau and analyses (BIPEA) were sufficient according to ISO 17025/2017. Chapter Note. II of the latter states that the interlaboratory comparison tests were sufficient for the validation of humidity ISO 712. How does the MT-C and therefore the compliance with ISO 712 contribute to your quality policy? To ensure the quality of grain in cereals and processed products, reliable and rapid analysis must be carried out (see ISO 17025-2017). Our comprehensive range of grain and finished product analyses reliably and quickly confirms the quality of our customers' products. We can also perform wheat crush tests and instant analysis to meet the requirements of our customers' specifications. As the national market leader in the analysis of grain, oilseeds and finished products, we are committed to pro- viding our customers with over 40 years of experience in agricultural products. The expertise of our scientists and technicians, combined with the use of the latest ISO standardized test methods and innovative technologies, enables our laboratories to guarantee the highest stan- dards of precision and integrity. Fig. 1: Works precisely and almost fully automatic: The Brabender MT-C was validated for moisture analyses in CDAAI AGRODIV laboratory in order to comply with the ISO 712 standard.